Strategically located at the prince of wales hospital in one of the largest clinical catchment areas within the territory and with a broad clinical base for translational research in non-invasive diagnostics and innovative therapeutics of prevalent diseases 设于威尔斯亲王医院,位处全港最大的医疗服务网区之一,为研究各种常见疾病的无创诊断和创新治疗方法提供有利条件
Through the global effort involving government agencies, academia and industry, substantial advances in the field of lung cancer have been achieved over the past decade, ranging from diagnosis and treatment to translational research and molecular targeted therapy 过去十年来全球各政府机构、学界和业界的不断努力,对肺癌诊断,微创手术及分子目标治疗法均有很大进展。
The ibri s research capabilities are complemented by the presence of both the institute of physical and chemical research s center for developmental biology, which focuses on regenerative medicine, and the translational research informatics center, which serves as a base for research that bridges basic research and clinical applications 此外,理化学研究所下属的发生再生科学综合研究中心cdb和神户临床研究信息中心tri是ibri研究能力的有利补充。同时,神户临床研究信息中心还是联系基础研究和临床应用的基地。